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Parish Profile (working draft, in progress) > XIV: 2010 PARISH SURVEY

17 Jul 2010

XIV: 2010 PARISH SURVEY  (To be administered and results summarized here).

Welcome to the 2010 Parish Survey of Trinity Episcopal Church, an important step in our discernment process and the selection of a new rector.

Each Trinity parishioner in your household is invited to participate. When the first person has completed the survey, the screen will return to the beginning for the next person. The responses are being tabulated automatically.

We trust that each individual parishioner will honor the integrity of this process by completing one survey only.

You will notice that the survey does not request your name -- all responses will be anonymous. Please give the questions your candid, careful and prayerful attention.

1. My age is:

2. I am:

3. I am

4. The following choices (one or more) quoted from the 2010 U.S. Census form apply to me


5. Ages of children living at home:

6. Which of the following represents the highest level of education you have completed?


7. If you are not a lifelong Episcopalian, please indicate your most recent previous religious affiliation.

8. I have been a member of Trinity Church (on the mailing list, receiving weekly envelopes, etc.) for:

9. I first learned about Trinity Church from:


10. I live in:

11. I usually attend Sunday services:

12. When I attend church, it is usually the Sunday service at:

13. Aside from attending Sunday services, I participate in other Trinity Church activities:

14. In recent years, I have participated in the following church activities:

15. Over the years, my attendance at worship services has:

16. If you have children under 16, please indicate their level of involvement in Sunday morning activities and service (Sunday School, Acolytes, Ushers, Lectors, Chalice Administration, etc.)

17. If you have children under 16, please indicate the level of their involvement in other church activities (Junior or Senior Youth, service projects, fundraising, field trips, etc.)

18. How often do you use each of the following to keep informed about Trinity activities?

  Regularly Occasionally Rarely
Printed Sunday Bulletin
Announcements in church
Church emails
Materials in the narthex
Word of mouth

19. Do you submit an annual pledge to the financial support of Trinity Church?

20. The form of weekly giving I practice is:

21. I determine how much to give to the church as:


22. Generally speaking, how important to you are these aspects of church life?

  Very important Somewhat important Not that important Not important at all Cannot rate
Building and grounds
Christian Formation/Education
Church Growth/Development
Communications Ministry
Leadership Development
Multi/Cross-Cultural Ministry
Music Ministry
Outreach/Social Justice Advocacy
Pastoral Care
Spiritual Guidance
Ministry with Youth

23. How would you rate the quality of the following at Trinity?

  Excellent Good Adequate Poor Cannot rate
Building and grounds
Christian Formation/Education
Church Growth/Development
Communications Ministry
Leadership Development
Multi/Cross-Cultural Ministry
Music Ministry
Outreach/Social Justice Advocacy
Pastoral Care
Spiritual Guidance
Ministry with Youth

24. What are Trinity's three strongest areas? (Mark 3 only, please.)


25. What three areas should be Trinity's priorities for improvement and/or development?
(Mark 3 only, please.)

26. If you could change one thing about Trinity Church, what would it be?

27. The change I suggested would increase my personal participation at Trinity:

28. The change I suggested would increase my financial support of Trinity Church:

29. How helpful was Trinity Church to you and/or your family in a time of personal need?

30. With 4 being the highest score, please rate Trinity Church on the following attributes:

  4 3 2 1 No opinion
Welcoming and inclusive to all
Warm and caring to parishioners
Nurturing to families and children
Generous in outreach beyond its doors
Supportive of a spiritual and religious life

31. In recent years, the pace of change at Trinity Church has been:

32. At this time, my overall feeling toward Trinity Church is:

33. Listed below are various aspects of parish ministry. Recognizing that no one can excel at everything, please indicate how important you think each of these should be in the selection of a new rector for Trinity Church.

  Very important Somewhat important Not that important Unimportant No opinion
a) Ministers to the sick, dying and bereaved.
b) Visits parishioners in their homes.
c) Visits homebound, hospitalized or grieving parishioners.
d) Provides personal life counseling to parishioners.
e) Provides individual religious counseling to parishioners.
f) Active in ministry beyond the parish.
g) Assists victims of injustice and oppression.
h) Involves parishioners in outreach projects.
i) Actively seeks new members for Trinity Church.
j) Works to retain current members of Trinity Church.
k) Makes us feel we are all children of God.
l) Approaches God's work with visible enthusiasm.
m) Fosters fellowship at parish gatherings.
n) Actively supports parish activities and organizations.
o) Works closely with wardens, vestry and committees.
p) Actively promotes financial stewardship and fundraising.
q) Helps plan and manage church finances.
r) Develops the church's long-range plans.
s) Initiates and invites new ideas.
t) Delegates responsibility in an effective manner.
u) Develops and uses a variety of liturgical forms.
v) Maintains a discipline of prayer and personal devotion.
w) Preaches outstanding sermons.
x) Preaches children's sermons that connect with kids.
y) Offers religious education classes for adults.
z) Stresses high quality Christian Education for youth.
aa) Stresses time, talent as well as financial stewardship.
bb) Is committed to lay participation in worship services.
cc) Promotes broad participation in church activities.
dd) Promotes lay leadership in all aspects of church life.

34. What are one or two key characteristics you MOST hope to have in a new rector for Trinity?

35. What one or two characteristics are LEAST important to you in a new rector?

36. Please enter any additional comments you wish to make.