Trinity Ministries
Our ministries make Trinity Church a warm, welcoming place. They are always looking for new members. Contact the church office if you are interested in serving. It's a great way to make new friends!

It takes many hands to make a prayerful and serene service. Chief among these are our Acolytes, who help with many aspects of the worship service, so seamlessly that you don't even know all the important work they perform. Think the Acolytes Ministry is only for youth? We're happy to welcome those of all ages!
Altar Guild

The Altar Guild helps set God's table for the feast. While more of a 'behind the scenes' group, the members of the Altar Guild make sure there is bread and wine, proper linens, candles, flowers and other important parts of the service ready for when the congregation comes to worship. Without them, the show would go on, but it would not look as good! If you feel called to this beautiful and very important Ministry, speak to Mother Ann, Deacon Magdalena, or any one of our members, Maria Hassanin, Tracey Siegel, Pam Gunter, and Kathy Lesniak.
Adult Bell Choir
We practice every Monday night. ALL ARE WELCOME.
Trinity's Bell Choir performs for special services to bring the joy of played music to the congregation. Please call the Church office or see Barbara England or Beth Hopkins if you are interested!
Our Book Discussion Group is in full swing with a new book for Lent and Easter! We are currently reading "Dust Bunnies in the Basket" By Tim Schenck. Our next meet is Sunday, March 30th, 2025 after the 10 am service. Bring your thoughts and questions on this fun and factual book about Lent and Easter! We have wonderful conversation, fun and fellowship & sometimes lunch! Info on books and dates we meet are always updated in our bulletin. ALL ARE WELCOME.
Coffee Hour
It is often said that our church service is broken down into two parts -- the part in the church and the part in the parish hall. That 'second half' is made reality by the dedicated work of our Coffee Hour Ministry. This group of volunteers make coffee, heat water, and bring in pasty items for the congregation to enjoy after the service, while they also enjoy the fellowship of their fellow parishioners. Like many of our ministries, the volunteers rotate throughout the months, making sure that everyone gets a turn to make so many happy in such a unique way -- with food!
The Counters help make sure that the generosity of our congregation gets tallied, deposited and reported. Meeting after church, this group collects and records the contributions of the day and from the week. Can't make a commitment to each week? No problem! Counters are assigned on a rotating basis. If you love numbers, this is the ministry for you!
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
From assisting with the service to bearing the chalice to visiting those who cannot make it to Trininty, the Eucharistic Ministers help our rector with serving the spiritual needs of the Trinity family. While some training is required for each Eucharistic Minister, any member of the congregation is welcome to serve.
Would you like to help spread the word of God to the congregation? Our Readers Ministry consists of volunteers who agree to read a passage from the bible to the congregation, sometimes leading them in the Psalm of the day. We can always use new voices, so please join us in spreading the good news!
Walk into our church on a service day, and you will be warmly greeted by one of our volunteers in the Ushers. They make sure friends new and old feel welcome in Trinity, help collect the offerings, and help people during Communion. They are truly the front line of the Trinity experience. Come join those who always have smiling faces and hearty handshakes.
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Trinity Episcopal Church, 18 Ryers Lane, Matawan, NJ 07747 / 732-591-9210