* * * * ANNOUNCEMENTS * * * *
THE REV. THOMAS CONWAY is officiating this morning. Please be sure to welcome him to our Sunday worship and coffee hour.
A WELCOME to all visitors and newcomers, we’re glad you’re here, and we hope you’ll keep coming back. Holy Communion is open to all who wish to receive. This is Christ’s altar, and all are welcome at Christ’s feast. We also hope you’ll introduce yourself to the clergy after the service and will sign our guest book. Welcome!!
VISITORS AND NEWCOMERS: Please take a few moments to fill out one of the blue cards in the pews and by the guest book in the Narthex, and place the card in the offertory plate. It’s very important to us that you be included as a parishioner, if you so desire.
WEDNESDAY EVENING PRAYER: Every Wednesday 7:00 until 7:30 PM in the Chapel.
PASTORAL VISITS: Please contact the church office at 732-591-9210 if you are ill and in need of a pastoral visit. “We make house calls.
* * * * SERVICE TO TRINITY * * * *
CHRISTMAS FLOWERS: Today is the last day to make your donation to have your loved ones included on the Christmas flower list.
THE BELL CHOIR NEEDS YOU! Please consider joining us. We rehearse Mondays from 7:30 to 9:00. Musical knowledge is helpful, but NOT necessary. Many of our members do not read music. If you can count, you can play bells. Most of you enjoy listening to the bells but we need new members to continue. If you can't commit to the whole year, please consider helping for a few months, i.e. now through the Christmas season or from Christmas to Easter, etc. Please see Rick or Beth for further information.
* * * * SERVICE TO COMMUNITY * * * *
CPC HOLIDAY GIFT PROGRAM: Gifts are due today.
* * * * CALENDAR OF EVENTS * * * *
THE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS ON MAIN STREET" is now confirmed for Saturday, December 22, 2018 from 2:00 to 4:00 (ish) at Beth's house at 80 Main Street, Matawan. Glenn May is coming to play our old Steinway Square Grand and lead us in an old fashioned Christmas Carol sing-along. There will be snacks and adult beverages and a basket for donations to Trinity. Please take a little time put the stress aside and enjoy the Holiday. Glenn is looking forward to seeing everyone!
4:00 PM – Holy Eucharist & Blessing of the Crèche
10:30 PM – Festival of Carols
11:00 PM – Holy Eucharist
9:00 AM – Holy Eucharist
EPIPHANY PARTY: Saturday, January 5, 2019 at Don and Lynda Venezia’s home, 6:00 PM until 9:00 PM. Please bring an appetizer or dessert, and a $20 Secret Santa gift, if you wish to participate. Their address is 156 Indelbrook Lane, Aberdeen. Don’s phone number is 646-529-1885.
ANNUAL MEETING: Sunday, January 20th, following the one service only at 9:00 AM.
CONFIRMATION CLASSES: Following the 10:00 AM service. Each class lasts approximately 30 minutes.
The flowers and aumbry candles are given to the Glory of God in thanksgiving and in loving memory of family and friends
And we ask your prayers throughout the week for the family and friends of this parish family who have requested our prayers:
Jesse Arlt, Barbara, Barry, the Brennan family, the Brock family, Angela Cecere, the Chernin family, Tom Colvin, Melissa Conover, Joan Cornelia, Erin and family, Marlene Fehley, Jim Glynn, Mary Gorman, Grace Grana, Ruth McDonald Haffield, Maura Igoe, Dorothy Jackson, The Very Rev. George M. Jaeger, Ken Jones, Sullivan Jones, Magdy Kelada, Jessica Lanoce, Doris Lavoie, Linda Lee, Patricia Lewis, Peggy McDonald Lint, Matthew Lynch, Robin Martino, Terry McKenna, the McMullin family, Stephen Meigh, Karen Mengo, Bernard Murray, Eleanor Murray, Nancy, Nancy, Helen Nixon, Renee Orlando, Joseph Porpura, Alma Cardona Quinones, Helen Richardson, Arthur Russo, Cindy Sauer, Theo Scafuto, George & Joanie Scott, Kathie Sharpe, Dennis Sherwood, Rema Sherwood, Carol Speirs, Megan Stahl, Susan Steinhardt, Debbie and Ken Stoddart, Sue, Terry Suruda, Lexy Vervoordt, Dawn Vitelli, Janet Young
If there is someone you want to add to our list please contact the office by Tuesday for the following Sunday bulletin. If someone recovers, please call the office so we can remove their name. Thank you.
Sunday, December 16, 2018
8:00 AM
Chalice: Rema Sherwood
First Reading, Psalm & Second Reading: Rema Sherwood
Usher: Alvina Johnson
Altar Guild: Pam Gunter
10:00 AM
Chalice: Lisa Alston
First Reading & Psalm: Lisa Alston
Second Reading: Nick Reeve
Epistle Server/Crucifer: Maria Hassanin
Gospel Server: Chloe Reeve
Torch: TBD
Ushers: Susan Stitzel, Carol Vogt
Coffee Hour: Condon/Lesniak
Counters: Eric Lesniak, Marty Richeimer
Altar Guild: Penny Bermel
Almighty and ever living God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.